
Faulty Apprentice: Interactive Visual Novel / Dating Sim

Created by Dinmoney

In a world of Magic, Monsters and Mystery, you are the Faulty Apprentice!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Map to Adventure Ep.8 + Stretch Goal #8 Reached! + Gathering Job!
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 10:42:34 PM

Hail Apprentices!!
It's official, we are on the last 48 hours of the campaign!

We've also reached another Stretch Goal today- secret character, the Princess!! We are so amazed by everyone, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Here's a silhouette of the Princess! Now that you've unlocked her, she'll be in the game for sure! What do you think she will look like?

Unlock: Princess!!
Unlock: Princess!!

Next Stretch Goal, CG Upgrade+ is less than $800 away! Din and Jesika are both on the edge of our seats watching the numbers now, so exciting!

  You all have blown us away with your support and your interest in this game, and we are super excited about reaching new goals and making this an even more exciting game for everyone! So, just in case this thing explodes and we blow past the Android/iOS, we want to hear what YOU want as our last Stretch Goal! Because hey, all of you are part of this journey as much as it is ours—let’s reach out for those dreams again ;)

  • Let's continue to spread the words as much as we can! Reach out to Youtuber/Streamer! Recommend Faulty Apprentice as their next Let's Play video!  
  • Help Faulty Apprentice get featured on major websites! If you get active on social media and websites to spread word, maybe we can get featured by big names, which could help us immensely. (We might just reach the rest of the stretch goal!)  
  • Share in Gaming Communities! Please share our campaign with other people online, while not spamming and annoying them! X)


Map to Adventure Episode 8

  Equipping themselves like in the battle preparation scenes of the scroll stories they read growing up, the Apprentices look at one another to confirm their plan of action. With Swords users in front, Archers in the middle and Mages in back, the hopeful heroes wages war against the gruesome goblins.

the Apprentices look at one another to confirm their plan of action
the Apprentices look at one another to confirm their plan of action

  What started out as the pompous laughter that only comes from the victory of poor sportsmanship, the Goblin’s song turned to screams of pain and agony. Not only were the Apprentices strong in number, they were strong in heart. Swift as a hawk an Apprentice with locksmith experience, rushed to begin opening the cage, while another Apprentice duel wielding two swords seemed to go into a berserk rage. Even some dude in the back was casting lighting bolt. Lightning-bolt, Lightning BOLT!

Smashed, crashed, and, bashed, the Goblins lay in waste before the Apprentices. Sure a few escaped, but that’s to be expect of goblins, they have hide out holes everywhere. But who cares, the Apprentices WON!!!

The Apprentices WON!!!
The Apprentices WON!!!

  As the new victors were about to come up with silly victory dances and prance around, they remembered they were in the presence of the something far more important. A Princess.

With one click, two clanks and hefty clunk the crude goblin locks become undone. As the mysterious beauty gracefully steps out of the cage, the young men surrounding her put on their best impressions of a royal bow. A few even go as far to speak aloud.

Apprentice: “You are safe, my lady.”  

Mysterious Beauty: “Kee kee kee that’s very sweet of you, but you’re making it sound like I’m a royalty.”

Traveling Merchant
Traveling Merchant

Traveling Merchant: “Gracious me, I thought I was a goner there for a second. My thanks to you Knights- uh… Hmmm. You don’t look like Knights, but you don’t look like Farm Boys. If you don’t mind me asking, who are you all?”  

  As if the question carried physical form, when it hit the Apprentices, they all seem to rise at once. Looking down at their weapons, then at each other, they reply with a calm cool voice they’ve never heard themselves use.  

Apprentices: “We are the, Apprentices.”  


  After a long but nice ride on stolen Goblin horses and wagons, they party reaches Fort Isaac. It was a sturdy old fortress that made up for its lack of glamour by its defensibility. Immensely thick walls and four stout towers, each in wide view of the next, protected a common yard in the middle. It wasn’t meant to sustain populations of civilians like a Old and grim as the place was, it at least had three good friends!traditional castle, this was meant for building soldiers.

Old and grim as the place was, it at least had three good friends!

Bunny: “Hey there sugar-plums!”  

Fox: “What have you boys been doing, you’re all sweaty.”  

Shark: “Yaarr! Look what the tides brought in!”  

It was a nice reunion, and the Apprentices were able to spend some well-deserved time with their friends. Regaling the female soldiers with their adventures of heroism, the Apprentices spend a lovely night at the fortress. With warm beds and soft pillows under their heads the Apprentices sleep with hints of smiles on their faces, knowing their goal of making it to Stars Reach Castle is so close.  



 The next morning, the Apprentices join the soldiers on the ride to Stars Reach and come to a fork in the road.  

Bunny: “That’s Mrs. Crandles house up that way. I reckon someone ought to let her know everyone is being evacuated.”  

Fox: “You still owe me for making walk through that dirty Log Tunnel of yours. Don’t ask me to go.”  

Shark: “Any pirate that falls behind gets left behind. Them be the rules.”  

Fox: “How many times do I have to tell you, we’re Guards not pirates you silly thing.”

Shark: “Yarr?”  

Fox: “The Apprentices are big strong men, why don’t they go?”  

Bunny: “Hmm, I reckon that’s not a bad idea. How bout it? Would y’all be up for a Gathering Job? If you could get Mrs. Crandle and meet us on the path to Stars Reach, we girls would be might consider giving you a thank you kiss, tee hee. Only problem is, she might be a bit… Difficult. You’ll see what I mean when you get there. Maybe y’all can come up with a plan on the way. You don’t mind Orcs, right?”  

What will the Apprentices Do?  


You can help us reach our next goals by spreading the word of our Kickstarter campaign, and don’t forget to: 

Stay tuned and thank you again for everything!

Din + Jes

Map to Adventure Ep.7 + Urgent Job! + Fanart
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:21:03 PM

Hello Apprentices! As you all know, we've still got 2 days left to go on this adventure, and we are so close to our next Stretch Goal! Remember, it's as simple as sharing it with your friends or anyone who may be into pledging to a project like this! Also by increasing your current pledge by at least $5 would push us closer to $24k (More story CGs+)!!

Faulty Apprentice Fan Art

We are grateful to have so many talented artists honor us with incredible Fan Arts of Faulty Apprentice! Please make sure to tag us on Twitter/Facebook so we can share your creation! 


Our Current Stats:   

-Total KS Backer: 559!
-Total Follow on Twitter: 778
-Total Like on Facebook: 427
-Total Fan Art: 14
-Twitter RT: 102 (RT this)
-Facebook Share: 16 (Share this)

KS Live Stream!! We will be live streaming on the last day of our Campaign on Saturday 12pm PDT (California Time) Please subscribe to get notified when we go live!


Map to Adventure Episode 7

  Running as fast as they can, the Apprentices race in the last known direction of the mysterious Dark Greffen. Maybe it was the fact the beast was the coolest thing they had ever seen, or maybe because they have leveled up their attributes since obtaining the Map to Adventure, either way, they were excited to continue their quest!

  Seeming to land in the middle of a nearby forest, the Apprentices make their way through the trees. Except this wasn’t a normal forest, and these weren’t normal trees. The ground was bleached and the trees were painted black with all their leaves stolen. It was a barren wasteland excuse for a forest, devoid of all life. The hot dry air burns the stench of sulfur into the nostrils of any occupants and deprives the mouth of any moisture. It was not a nice forest, no…

That’s adventures for you, what may not be a pleasant experience at the time can end up being a great story you cherish above other happier ones. And after a few hours of this bleak environment, the Apprentices were not having a pleasant experience to say the least. At least until one of them heard it… This song was like no other they had ever heard. It was though it was written for, THEM!



It was like cold stream water on their parched tongues. Like, waking up from a really good nap. It was-

Female Voice: “Kyaaah! Leave me alone!”

  With the Apprentices thinking a beautiful young maiden has just encountered their new animal friend (fingers crossed the Greffen is their animal friend), they rush in the direction of the voice. After all, there’s no way, he would hurt anyone, there has to be some sort of misunderstanding. And a great misunderstanding there was, just not with the way the Apprentices intended. It was a Surprise Encounter!


  A girl tied up and caged cries out as she is poked, prodded and taunted by her Goblin captors. Big ones, small ones, some that looked like rocks. Short ones, tall ones, even some covered in dragon pocks. However, the number and variety of Goblins didn’t help the fact they were all distracted. Leaving behind wagons full of stolen Swords, Bows, Arrows and Spell Books, the Apprentices were more than happy to take the advantage.

Wallpaper Pack Loot Drop!
Wallpaper Pack Loot Drop!

   Even with the new Equipment, with this many Goblins, the Apprentices knew they wouldn’t be scared off. They will have to fight the Goblins if they wish to free this mysterious new character!    

How will the Apprentices defeat the Goblins?



You can help us reach our next goals by spreading the word of our Kickstarter campaign, and don’t forget to: 

Take care everybody, and thanks a lot for the amazing support!!  
Din + Jes


Map to Adventure Ep.6 + Black Cat Stretch Goal Reached! + KS Live Stream!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 07:12:17 PM

Unlock: Black Cat!!
Unlock: Black Cat!!

  WOAH!! din and I can't believe how quickly we reached the 6th Stretch Goal! Thanks to you, we are over 214% funded and we’ve now reached our Unlock: Black Cat stretch goal!! Also less than $1400 away from our next stretch goal!!! Let’s make it happen before the end of the campaign—there’s only 3 days left!! ฅ(*°ω°*ฅ) 

  Next Goal, Unlock: Princess! There is no greater mark of heroism than saving a Royal Princess (and reaching the 7th stretch goal, of course)! Who is this Princess? Why is this character a secret? Let's work hard to unlock them so we can find out!! :D

We'll be doing a KS Live Stream on the last day of the campaign on Saturday 12pm—12am PDT (California Time)

  Submit your last minute questions now and we will do our best to answer all questions during the stream. Visit the KS page and subscribe to get a reminder when the stream goes live! Please stay tune!!

THREE DAY count down of the campaign!! Let's continue to spread the words as much as we can!  

  • Reach out to Youtuber/Streamer! Recommend Faulty Apprentice as their next Let's Play video!  
  • Help Faulty Apprentice get featured on major websites! If you get active on social media and websites to spread word, maybe we can get featured by big names, which could help us immensely. (We might just reach the rest of the stretch goal!)  
  • Share in Gaming Communities! Please share our campaign with other people online, while not spamming and annoying them! X)


Map to Adventure Episode 6

  United as one, the Apprentices begin marching down the long Stone Corridor. Perhaps it was the recent triumph over the Goblins, or the fact they have been through so much in such a short amount of time, the Apprentices can’t help but feel a bond growing between them. After all, what started as s group randomly skilled young men has turned into a small army with a single purpose; make it to Stars Reach Castle!


  This part of the story was a little dull to be honest, because how long this passage way was. Not only was it long, but there was a distinct lack of well, anything really. No curves, slopes, puddles, cave-ins or invading tree roots. It appeared no Goblins had been here in a long time. It was quiet, too quiet…

Eventually the Apprentices reach the base of a spiral staircase leading up into darkness. Step by step they begin to see the faint hints of, light? Another spiral around, and yes, it’s definitely getting brighter. And not just any light, this was sunlight! From being in the dark for so long, when the Apprentices reunite with the outside world, they almost don’t realize they are standing on the edge of a cliff!


For the Apprentices that weren’t afraid of heights, the view was spectacular. The mushroom forest of Brindle, the rolling hills of the Bunny Burrow and even the shining towers of Stars Reach Castle, could all be seen. As for the Apprentices that were scared of heights, all they could see was a really, really, really, long way down.

  However, what the Apprentices saw, wasn’t important. At least not nearly as important as what they heard. It was like the deafening screech of wraith and the heavy rumble that seemed to vibrate in the Apprentice’s chests. Scanning in all directions to find the source of this horrendous noise, a shadow appears overhead and the sound of wings beat like drums of war.


  Silhouetted with bright sunlight, a dark four legged beast with wings outstretched begins to lower itself onto a rock spire perch above you. With a cliff at their backs, the Apprentices could do nothing but to stand in awe of the fantastic beast and wait for its grand entrance to come to an end. All the while of course, hoping they didn’t come to an end themselves.

The dust begins to settle as one thousand eyes fall to this mysterious creature. At first it just looked, black, but now that the Apprentices are so close, they see it is made up of a myriad of colours that shimmer like coins in a wishing well. Green, violet, red, and blue, such rich colours of blue! A mix of scales and feathers all with this shimmering quality covered the beast like a jeweled set of armor.

Judging by its size, shape, and the fact Apprentices have never seen such a creature, their minds instantly jumped to the scroll books of their youth. Heroes would ride Greffens high into the sky slaying fire-breathing dragons, save castles and live happily ever after with Princesses. Only, in the scroll books, Greffens were always described to have the head of a great white eagle and the body of a saber lion, where this beast seemed to be a more like a raven mixed with a shadow cat?

this beast seemed to be a more like a raven mixed with a shadow cat?
this beast seemed to be a more like a raven mixed with a shadow cat?

  Whatever it was, it was right there in front of the Apprentices and they had no Idea what to do about it. There was a moment of “Uh…” before the Dark Greffen lets out a curious “Qwaak” and begins to scratch at the rock face directly below him. Witnessing this non-threatening behavior, the Apprentices look to the direction the beast seemed to be pointing and notice an open doorway.

  With a loud screech and heavy wing beats, the Dark Greffen lifts off its perch and flies off in a Westerly direction. Clambering up the rock face, the Apprentices rush towards the safety of the mountain’s interior. Whether it was the angle of the cliff, a loose rock, or so many people on such a small ledge, they all suddenly came tumbling down.

It was a mudslide of Apprentices. Nay, an avalanche! Rushing, pouring and sliding down the mountainside! With the impending doom of shark jagged rocks that make up the base of the Ancient Step. The Apprentices take one last breath and prepare themselves. Some yell to their Gods, others shout nonsense, and no one exactly knows who it was, but someone was screaming like a girl. Like full on. But that doesn’t matter.  

  As the Apprentices reached the bottom there was no smash, crash or bash like they expected; just a warm gentle breeze and a voice whispering in their ears.

Angelic Voice: “It is not your time, young Apprentices. We need you now, more than ever.”


 With the voice of a Goddess giving them renewed strength and the adrenaline of surviving yet another brush with death, the Apprentices reach a fork in the path.  

Which path will the Apprentices take?  



They also have 3 days left! Check out Forest Fortress: Live2D animated visual novel by Flaming Firefly! The are less than 130 to their funding goal!! So close!! Go check it out and give them a boost if you can :) 

Forest Fortress is a Fantasy Visual Novel with Nonlinear narrative. There will be multiple endings with different girls.
Forest Fortress is a Fantasy Visual Novel with Nonlinear narrative. There will be multiple endings with different girls.


You can help us reach our next goals by spreading the word of our Kickstarter campaign, and don’t forget to: 

Take care everybody, and thanks a lot for the amazing support!!

Din + Jes

Map to Adventure Ep.4 + Romanceable Bunny Guard!!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 12:37:16 AM

Finally reached the Stretch Goal #4!! Thanks so much Apprentices!
Are you ready to romance the Bunny Guard?

  We have also reached 188% funded of the funding goal with 5 days remaining. With your help, we will be able to allocate the workload more efficiently than ever to drive the development forward!

  Next Goal is to create epic music track from Scarlet Moon Artist, Dale Norh! He has done awesome work for Dragon Fantasy Book II, Toricky etc! Check out some of his work here!

  As you may have noticed, a new stretch goal has been revealed! Romanceable Commander!! Will you ever melt the heart of the ice queen of Stars Reach Castle? Let's do this Apprentices!!



Map to Adventure Ep.4

  Sip for sip, gulp for gulp, and chug for chug, the Apprentices match pace with the two female soldiers. Cold from being stored deep underground and rich with the flavor of barley the ale had a slight hint of malt that lingered on the tongue. One drinking game after another the effects of the Ale begin to warm their faces and lift their confidence. Even though they were ninety percent certain the Fox Girl was cheating and the Shark Girl was impervious to alcohol, it felt like they were winning simply by spending time with such beautiful women.

Fox: “All the guys here in Brindle just eat mushrooms and stare at the light spores all day, but you Apprentices are different. I like that.”

Her tails begin to wave back and forth almost hypnotically as her heavy lidded eyes look you over.  

Fox: “I have an idea. What if we-“ 

  Before she can finish, the girl with blue hair opens wide and chomps her sharp teeth down on one of the fox’s tails! With so much noise in the Lucky Clover Inn, the Fox girl’s yelp in pain goes unnoticed.

Fox: “Ouch! What the fur is your problem?!”  

The blue haired girl unlocks her jaws and licks her lips with an odd smile on her face.

Shark: “Yarr! Sorry bout that. Yee tail passed in front of me face, so couldn’t help me-self. Here, the next round’l be on me to make amends!”

  Looking closer at the girl you see bite marks on her shield, lance, even the table! Maybe on a normal day you would be scared of these girls, but when you’re this drunk, there is only one thing to do. Drink more, and drink more they did. If the world wasn’t spinning enough when the Apprentices went to sleep, it was definitely moving when they awoke.

  Not remembering the majority of last nights’ events you are surprised to see a sun above you and a moving wagon below. The wheels come to a steady halt in about the time it takes for your eyes to begin making sense of your surroundings; and a warm voice with a southern accent greets you.

Bunny: “Good morning!”

(Download the ringtone version here)


Shark: “There be wind back in the boys sails!”

  For a moment the Apprentices begin to wonder if they indeed did eat some Brindle Shrooms because this is not the town they went to sleep in. Gentle rolling hills of green grass with clusters of spruce and pine trees. Now and again a slope would give way to expose boulders and dirt with round tunnel openings. Even with the splitting headache of last night’s hangover its apparent you have ended up in Bunny Burrow.

Bunny: “What brings ya’ll round here in such a hurry?”  

Shark: “An S.O.S it was! We had to paddle through the night.”

Fox: “Silly girl. We rode here. When were on land and horses are involved, its called riding. How many times do I have to tell you? Anyways, something big must have happened because everyone is supposed to report to Fort Isaac. Gather what you need cause we need to set sail-“

The Shark Girl’s attention jumps to the Fox Guard with an excited grin on her face.  

Fox: “This is how you know you’ve been on the road with someone too long. Now I’m picking up her speech patterns, great.”  

Bunny: “Good goblins, I hope no one got hurt.”

  You get a serious vibe from the Fox and Bunny, but when you look over at the Shark, she seems to be gnawing at one of the wagon wheels.  

Bunny: “While I gather my things, why don’t you decide which route we should take to cross the river. The Log Tunnel is the fastest but no one has used it in a while, so I’m not sure of its condition. Otherwise we can take the Old Bridge further North.”  

In the same response time the Shark says, “Bridge” as the Fox says “Tunnel” .

What will the Apprentices do?


You can help us reach our next goals by spreading the word of our Kickstarter campaign, and don’t forget to:  

- Reach out to Youtuber/Streamer! Recommend Faulty Apprentice as their next Let's Play video!   

- Help Faulty Apprentice get featured on major websites! If you get active on social media and websites to spread word, maybe we can get featured by big names, which could help us immensely. (We might just reach the rest of the stretch goal!) 

- Share in Gaming Communities! Please share our campaign with other people online, while not spamming and annoying them! X) 

Map to Adventure Ep.5 + #5 Stretch Goal reached!!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 12:37:11 AM

We've reached the 5th Stretch Goal in one day!! Way to go Apprentices!!
We've reached the 5th Stretch Goal in one day!! Way to go Apprentices!!

  Next Goal, Black Cat!! Are you ready to unveil this mysterious character? Who is this black cat? Why is this character a secret? Let's work hard to unlock them so we can find out!!

  As you may have noticed, a new stretch goal has been revealed! If we reach this goal, we'll be able integrate the game into your Mobile App Store, and you will be able to download Faulty Apprentice on Apple/Android store and play on the go. Isn't it exciting!? Let's do this Apprentices!!

LAST FOUR DAYS of the campaign!! Let's continue to spread the words!

  • Reach out to Youtuber/Streamer! Recommend Faulty Apprentice as their next Let's Play video!  
  • Help Faulty Apprentice get featured on major websites! If you get active on social media and websites to spread word, maybe we can get featured by big names, which could help us immensely. (We might just reach the rest of the stretch goal!)  
  • Share in Gaming Communities! Please share our campaign with other people online, while not spamming and annoying them! X) 


Map to Adventure Episode 5

  With the Shark and Fox girls unable to agree on which route to take, the Apprentices use this opportunity to show off their manly decision making skills. After a short rest and restock of supplies from the Burrow, the Bunny, Shark, Fox and a whole lot of farm boys head South East to Fort Isaac.


  Traveling by horse and wagon the party arrives at the Log Tunnel in no time. Although the name might not be the most creative, the sheer size of this fallen tree demands attention. Like the open maw of a Giant Earth Eater the logs hollowed entrance seems to be swallowing a portion of earth on each side of the riverbanks. With so much plants and moss growing over the rotted wood, dripping water acts a veil, shrouding the entrance and making it impossible to see through to the other side.

  Since the Apprentices weren’t even really Apprentices yet, just a bunch of farm boys, the female soldiers asked them to stay back so they could check the tunnel. With the Bunny taking lead, ears in forward, upright position, the other soldiers take positions on either side. As the pass beyond the curtain of dripping water, the Apprentices could do nothing but listen closely and keep their eyes fixed on the dark open cavity of the ancient Log Tunnel.


  After what seemed like forever, the Apprentices are greeted by pleasant shouts from their new friends. Looking around to the other side of the river you a relieved to see the Bunny, Shark and Fox have made it safely across. Although, by the looks of things some better off than others… More or less just a little wet around the ears, the Bunny seems alright, were as the Fox was clearly upset about her tails getting dirty. The Shark on the other hand, seems to be eating a bat!

Bunny: “Woo hoo! All clear on the northern front! Come on over, yall!”  

Shark: “There be chicken hanging from the ceiling, free for the taking!”  

Fox: “Yuck. That tunnel was filthy. Do you know how long it will take to clean these tails? A foxhole would never be that unkempt no matter how old it was.”

  When the Apprentices started marching into the Bunny Folk’s cherished landmark, it started with the sound of wood creaking. One Apprentice would have been no problem. Ten and the sturdy old wood wouldn’t budged an inch. But when five hundred plus young men entered the Log Tunnel that day, five hundred did not come out the other side.

  With a tremendous crack the Apprentices crash down into the water causing a splash the Shark girl would be proud of. Somehow the Apprentices manage to all land in one half of the great log, as it begins to carry them down river like an out of control raft. Leaning left, then leaning right, they begin to gain control and start and enjoying the wild and crazy ride!


  At least they were until the river turns into a death spiral leading them into a deep, dark and damp cavern. Like the sea fisherman bringing in the haul of the day, the Apprentices are dragged up in nets and spread out onto the floor of some sort of shanty cave town. As water drains out of the Apprentices ears, they are immediately filled again with the cackling laughter that can only come from a pack of…GOBLINS!!!

Goblin: “Look-sa what we-sa got here? A bunch of little boy-boys!”  

  Hearing the punch line of the Goblin’s statement seems to drive the rest of them into fits of laughter. The Apprentices however weren’t laughing, and after being called ‘boy-boys’ they remember being separated from their new girl friends. As if it were the goblins fault the Log Tunnel broke, they stand up tall and ready themselves for a fight. And it was a that moment the Goblins started to stop laughing one by one realizing they were five hundred Apprentices and only about sixty Goblins. 

As it dawned on the final Goblin, they immediately scatter into dozens of small burrows into the walls. Inspecting the area the Apprentices find a Rare Item!


Random card pull for all Physical tiers! (Pervy Wizard tier and up)
Random card pull for all Physical tiers! (Pervy Wizard tier and up)

  Knowing that Goblins are easily frightened, but will return in greater numbers, the Apprentices begin searching for an Exit appropriate for their party size. It appears the only two options are, a rope ladder leading upwards, or a tunnel that seems to go straight in one direction for a long time.  

Which path will the Apprentices take?


You can help us reach our next goals by spreading the word of our Kickstarter campaign, and don’t forget to: