Faulty Apprentice: Interactive Visual Novel / Dating Sim
Created by Dinmoney
In a world of Magic, Monsters and Mystery, you are the Faulty Apprentice!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Dev update + Backerkit deadline extend + new programmer!
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 12:33:01 AM
- Update -
If you're interested to see Faulty Apprentice sneak peeks or to just follow the progress, please visit our Patreon page and get cool rewards along the way! Since our last update, we have been diligently working on the art department for Faulty Apprentice!
Some of you might remember our stretch goal, the Black Cat! What do you think?
Character Intros Side characters need some love too! Get to know the Bunny Guard and First Guard!
We have a new team member, BamBam! He is a graduate student with 4 years experience with Unity. As most of you know, the bug that we wanted to fix was the Sword training minigame. So before we jump right into Faulty Apprentice, we put our new programmer to the test and developed a short light horror game: Paramedium, just in time for Halloween! Play it here: http://bit.ly/Paramedium2
We will resume the development of Faulty Apprentice with better and smoother gameplay, please look forward to it!
BACKERKIT- New Deadline!
The date has been extended until November 7th (one more week!) Make sure to double-check for any last minute add-on!
Miniatures: It is available for preorder again! We had to close the miniatures preorder for a little while since we had a stock shortage, but it is now available in-store again! http://bit.ly/preorderFA
If you're interested in having your miniatures assembled and painted, we are currently looking into commissioning local painters. We're not sure of the cost yet, but please fill out the form and we'll get back to you with a price quote! https://goo.gl/forms/rbdwBSm1bPYI3vij1
That's it for now! Hang out with us on our Discord Server, if not, we'll see you again in the next update!
din + jes
Fanart Contest + Development update!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 01:54:06 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
BackerKit Surveys Sent + Pre-Orders Open!
almost 8 years ago
– Tue, May 02, 2017 at 10:57:48 PM
Good Day, Apprentices! We just sent out an email with a special link to BackerKit surveys today. It is important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information for fulfilling your rewards.
You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, just click on the survey link in your email, fill it out, and you’re all good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards preferences, provide shipping information, and pledge for more “add-ons” if you'd like. (Please check your email inbox associated with your Kickstarter account. If you have not received it by the end of the day, check your spam folder just in case!)
What if I logged in via Facebook? Or pledged via Paypal? Can I use another email to receive my survey? If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you're one of the Paypal pledgers, we will be sending you the survey with the Paypal email you used. If you have another email address that you would prefer to use, please contact support at http://faultyapprentice.backerkit.com/faq and we'll get you sorted out!
If you decide later that you want to add on more loot or edit your survey responses, you can go back to your survey and change it anytime before we lock down the surveys for processing. If you need to review your information or pledge status, you will be able to recover your survey here: http://faultyapprentice.backerkit.com/
Lock down date: November 1, 2017
- When will I receive my product? We are aiming to ship all physical rewards in batches, around February 2018.
- I moved. Can I update my address? You should be able to update your address anytime before the lock down date, but If you are moving after the lock down date, please contact us here: http://faultyapprentice.backerkit.com/faq. You can update your shipping address until the time we begin fulfilling and shipping orders. Plus we'll contact you as we get ready to ship to double-check.
Good news is, we finally received the funds for the campaign! Woo!! Between Kickstarter dropped/failed pledges, PayPal backers, we are now at USD $32,213 for total funding! Even though this total is below the amount of our last stretch goal, we are still proceeding with the Romanceable Key Characters!
In the meantime, feel free to join us on our Discord chat! Make sure to let us know ahead of time if you're a KS backer when you join our Server! That way, you'll have the special title of "KS Apprentice" when you appear online!
Our Patreon supporters have access to development art, beta testing and more! Please check it out if you're interested in behind the scenes look at Faulty Apprentice!!
So that's it for now. Thanks again to everyone who backed the game. Don't forget to fill out the survey and see you in our next update!
din + jes
Success! + Discord + Patreon
almost 8 years ago
– Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 12:46:30 AM
Congratulations, WE DID IT!
After a really exciting 32 days and 12 hours stream, the Kickstarter campaign has ended with what we would call some incredible success! At the very last moment, we somehow managed to just barely make our last stretch goal! The total current funds, including PayPal, at the time of this post is $35,673. That's nearly 349% of the goal!! Because of your help, Faulty Apprentice will be able to become the best game it possibly can be!
To the 845 Apprentices that supported us, thank you once again!
Backerkit survey will be sent in 2 weeks!
In two weeks, we'll be sending out surveys to our backers in order to get the needed information for the fulfillment of rewards! Please use this two weeks to double check if your payment method has gone through, since some backers already expressed problems with Kickstarter accepting their credit cards.
In the mean time, feel free to join us on our Discord chat! Make sure to let us know ahead of time if you're a KS backer when you join our Server! That way, you'll have the special title of "KS Apprentice" when you appear online!
Our Patreon supporters have access to development art, beta testing and more! Please check it out if you're interested in behind the scenes look at Faulty Apprentice!!
Our special thanks go to all those who have supported this game throughout its development since its infancy. Their love and encouragement have played a huge role in believing in ourselves and staying the course.
We're active on social medial! Please follow us on twitter and our Facebook page. Thank you for the incredible support! Stay tune!
Sincerly Din + Jes
Map to Adventure Ep.9 + Last 24 hours!! + Q&A Live Stream!
almost 8 years ago
– Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 08:32:05 PM
We've managed to reach the CG Upgrade+ AND the Romanceable Commander in roughly one day! If we keep this pace up, hitting the Mobile/iOS stretch goal is a completely realistic possibility!!
We want to thank you all so much for all of the support so far. The campaign during these 32 days has been a wonderful and thrilling experience, which Din and I will never forget (Lots of stressful late nights! With the planning and organizing, the episodic Map to Adventure in the past 9 days and everything lol).
We've added a couple more FAQ, but if you have any last minute burning questions that you want to ask us about FA, make sure to tune in for the KS Q&A Livestream at 12pm PDT, here on Kickstarter!
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to do this for you, and we look forward to developing the game along your side!! Woohoo!! <3
Map to Adventure Final Episode
It was a lovely march through the evergreen trees, as the birds were chirping and the sun was shining. Bidding the soldier girls farewell, the Apprentices set off into the direction of the homely house of Mrs. Crandle.
As pathways go, this was one pebble away from generic dirt. The Apprentices would have probably gotten lost if not for the column of chimney smoke coming from within the forest. Soon however, the sound of a calm summer afternoon turns into a sound the Apprentices have become increasingly familiar with. Equipping their weapons and readying their spell books, our young heroes rush towards the direction of the noise!
Arriving at the scene, the Apprentices are greeted by a party of six Goblins with one beast of an Orc in the middle. Holding a double-sided war axe in each hand, the Orc yells in a bloody rage, as its eyes seem to turn red. Even the nearby trees didn’t seem to stop the fury of swings as the Goblins were decimated in a whirlwind of smashing carnage.
After the last Goblin’s skull was crushed, the Orc Barbarian turns to the Apprentices and says tree words.
Mrs. Crandle: “What you want?”
Having never been in the presence of someone this big before, the Apprentices realize they do not have enough Courage to strike up a conversation with this character.
Mrs. Crandle: “Humph. Kids these days. No manners. Be gone with you then, less you find yourselves under me axe!”
With those words the Apprentice scatter into the trees to regroup. After all, that wasn’t really what was supposed to happen. How in the Gods names were they supposed to convince a woman like that to leave her home and retreat to the safety of Fort Isaac.
Ghostly Voice: “Who knows what possesses her to stay even with the impending danger.”
Ghost: “You look like you’ve never seen a ghost before. I guess that’s understandable. We mostly pass on when we die. Mostly…”
Maybe some of the Apprentices had a fear of the super-natural, or maybe they just didn’t now what to say at a time like this, but whatever the reason, no one said anything.
Ghost: “My deepest apologies for startling you. I just finished a Gathering Job. Well, mostly… What? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
At that point the Apprentices went on to explain they were on a quest to Stars Reach, and that “they” were the ones supposed to complete the Gathering Job. Feeling bad for the young boys the ghost reaches underneath her armor and pulls out a Rare Item!
All Card Set orders guarantee to receive one random Gold Card!
Pointing a very long, and very real lance in the East direction, the Apprentices’ new unworldly friend bids them farewell as she lazily evaporates into the wind.
Ghost: “Follow the light Apprentices. That shall lead you to Stars Reach.”
Back on the road, not sure what to make of the recent encounter, but happy to make another new friend, the Apprentice begin to wonder about what is to come next. What does the castle look like? Who is in charge of it? What kinds of people live there? Will I be able to find an Apprenticeship? And the most important question, would there be a Princess?
All the Apprentices had an idea of what they imagined the prettiest-pretty-Princess would be like, and they were more than happy to tell you. These were the dreams of boys after all. With endless possibilities, and their brains working hard to catalog and weigh the qualities of them all, the Apprentices find themselves in need of a rest.
Sitting down at the edge of the pathway, the young men drift off into the land of dreams. Or was it, a nightmare?
Or was it, a nightmare?
Mysterious Voice: “What’s your name, stranger?”
To be continued in, Faulty Apprentice…
Din's note: I hope you have enjoyed this Kickstarter campaign. It was a pleasure being your humble narrator. I look forward to hearing what you think about the world of Faulty Apprentice. Thank you for playing, Map to Adventure!